Creative Prompts for Inspiration

Get started with our collection of engaging prompts to kickstart your writing or art journey. Find the perfect idea to ignite your creativity.

9 Available Prompts

Give Eczema a Bad Rap

Eczema gets a “bad rap” for a reason. So, give it one literally! Drop silly beats and make bad rhymes… “E to the C to the Z to the M, your itch at night is worse than phlegm. You’re such a sap, take a nap. That’s why you get this super bad rap.” What “bad rap” would you give your eczema to put it to sleep?

Writing Prompt

Put a Sleeping Spell on Eczema

Imagine you were a witch or wizard who had a magical ability to charm eczema. What spell would you use to put your eczema to sleep? How does it work? How does it sound? “Slumberamous!?” Maybe you visualize eczema as a grumpy, fire-breathing dragon that needs to be cooled down and tamed? Describe the spell or charm you would use on eczema at night.

Writing Prompt

Send Eczema on a Dream Trip

What if eczema could visit a place besides your skin for a while. So why not give it a vacation? Where would you send eczema? Someplace cold? Alaska? Siberia? Or someplace hot, where it might sweat. Like a tropical island. Or the Sahara. What would your eczema discover while there? What lessons might it learn about making new friends? Also… What advice would you give eczema for getting a good night’s sleep away from home?

Writing Prompt

Have a Bunk Bed Chat About Eczema

Imagine you share a bunk bed with a friend with eczema, who really understands what it’s like to try to get to sleep. Offer encouraging tips to someone on their own nighttime journey with eczema… and be a good bunk bed buddy! What would you say to help your new friend relax and get to sleep?

Writing Prompt

Eczema Art Gallery Showcase

Transform your experiences with eczema into art! Create a mini art gallery showcasing your feelings and journey with eczema. Draw or paint scenes that represent your challenges and victories.

Writing Prompt

Embark on an Eczema Explorer Journal

Get ready to be an eczema explorer! Create a special journal where you can share your daily experiences — what makes your skin happy, what challenges you face, and the things that bring you joy. Use words and drawings to illustrate your magical world where eczema is just a part of your unique journey.

Writing Prompt

Be Your Own Eczema Superhero

Channel your inner superhero and create an eczema warrior comic strip! Design a character who battles eczema villains and triumphs over challenges. What special powers does your eczema warrior possess? Illustrate a series of comic strips that tell an empowering story of courage and strength in the face of eczema.

Writing Prompt

News Flash! Report the Eczema Creature

Imagine you’re a reporter for a famous newspaper. Let your creativity run wild as you describe the funny-looking eczema creature you saw in your very own bedroom! How would you report this annoying creature whose itchiness keeps you up at night?

Writing Prompt

Dear Eczema

Imagine your eczema as a friendly character with feelings! Write a heartfelt letter directly to your eczema. Share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. What would you say to your eczema if it could understand you? Express your hopes, challenges, and even some things that make you happy.

Writing Prompt
{{ active_story.title ? active_story.title : 'Untitled' }}
Need help to write a Poem?
{{ countWords() }} words

Story Maps

Story Map

Plan Your Story

Organize your ideas with Story Map to kickstart your writing journey. Ready to begin?

Start Mapping


Name of character

{{ }}

Character description

{{ character.description }}


Where does the story take place?

{{ }}

Character description

{{ setting.description }}


What is the conflict?

{{ conflict.what }}

Why does this conflict occur?

{{ conflict.why }}


How is the conflict resolved?

{{ }}

What happens after it is resolved?

{{ resolution.what }}

How did the conflict affect the characters?

{{ resolution.effect }}

Writing Prompts

Story Map

Discover Writing Prompts

Find inspiration for your story with our prompts. Get ready to dive into your writing journey!

Explore Writing Prompts

{{ active_prompt.title }}

{{ }}


Your Writing Assistant

{{ group.label }}


Spark - Your Writing Assistant

{{ message.message }}

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You must complete all the information below to publish your story.

Remember to add a cover image to your story submission. Good luck and happy writing!

Great job on your poem! Now, choose a fun background image to make it even more special. Keep up the fantastic work and happy creating!

Your story has been submitted for review!

Generate Prompts

{{ prompt.title }}

{{ prompt.content }}

Results will appear here!

Once you generate prompts, this space will be filled with creative ideas to fuel your inspiration and kickstart your writing or art journey



No characters added yet

Let’s start building the cast of your story!

Name of character

{{ }}

Character description

{{ character.description }}


No settings added yet

Begin by creating the world where your story unfolds.

Where does the story take place?

{{ }}

Character description

{{ setting.description }}


No conflicts added yet

Time to introduce some drama and tension to your story!

What is the conflict?

{{ conflict.what }}

Why does this conflict occur?

{{ conflict.why }}


No resolutions added yet

Get ready to bring your story to a satisfying conclusion.

How is the conflict resolved?

{{ }}

What happens after it is resolved?

{{ resolution.what }}

How did the conflict affect the characters?

{{ resolution.effect }}


{{ title }}


Name of character
{{ }}
Character description
{{ character.description }}


Where does the story take place?
{{ }}
Setting description
{{ setting.description }}


What is the conflict?
{{ conflict.what }}
Why does this conflict occur?
{{ conflict.why }}


How is the conflict resolved?
{{ }}
What happens after it is resolved?
{{ resolution.what }}
How did the conflict affect the characters?
{{ resolution.effect }}

Hey there!

Before we start, we’re excited to learn more about you.

What should we
call you?

Nice to meet you,
{{ }}!

Stay Informed About A Topic Dermatitis/Eczema

Would you like to receive health and product-related information and services associated with atopic dermatitis/eczema from Dermavant Sciences, Inc. and/or companies working on its behalf. By selecting ‘yes’, you agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

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Password Requirements

× Minimum 8 characters in length

× Must include at least one lower case letter (a-z)

× Must include at least one upper case letter (A-Z)

× Must include at least one number ( 0-9)



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Please check your email.

Hello, {{ }} . To start using the editor, we need to verify your parent/guardian's email.
Please ask them to check their email.

{{ }}

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Congratulations, {{ }}!

Are you ready to share your amazing story? Your writing journey begins now. We can't wait to read the story you'll submit for the challenge.